Limo Trip in the Northwest

Squadron photo from Kris Burkhardt, also pictured in the photo.

Last month we took off on the first Limo trip. Packed into a large van, was a motley but arguably unshakable crew that was only going to grow as the trip continued. When I’m at home I feel like I’m always doing so many things at once and it gets difficult to manage my time, so the prospect of getting to focus on only doing on just filming for 10 days straight is really enticing to me. I was really looking forward to being on an adventure like this with such a dope crew of homies. I was standing outback of the van with Kris while we were loading up bags outside of Logans on the first day of the trip. Nelly walked up to Kris and chucked a basketball right at his stomach point blank. I was like, Woah! This is real skate trip type shit going down alreay! But damn I also don’t want Nelly to chuck a basketball at my stomach. So we loaded up and squeezed in the van, all nine of us with J Boy at the wheel, and headed out for our first leg of the trip which was a fatty leg. LA to Shasta. I think we stopped maybe 12 times on the way, I’m not sure I didn’t count but everytime we stop that means everyone gets out and hits the store. Its fun to hit the store because you can check all the selection of snacks and bevs. Mostly its heinous stuff that starts to become more appealing the more hours you’ve been on the road. The squad did not hold back at most of these stops. The snacks were plentiful and this is where the seed obsession began. Some might say it was a craze even that didn’t quite have the strength to reach the back of the van but took a stranglehold on the front seaters. I was lucky enough to be all the way back for the first leg of the trip and by the time I moved seats days later I had already become immune to the craze by watching my friends all become uncontrollable, sore-mouthed, seed fiends. Nelly would never recover from this state. I wonder if shes still eating seeds at this moment, I’m not sure. But amyways besides the seeds on the first day we’re talking serious candies, gummies of all kinds, chips, licorices, all types of shizz. We did make it to Shasta eventually and no the back windows of the van didn’t open so we didn’t really chief the whole drive which was something else. Me and Karim automatically stuck together so we could smoke maximum herbage with precise timings at all opportunities.

The next stop of the trip was Eugene. We stopped in Weed on the way for the novelty I think which was what it was. After arriving in town and skating the park for a bit, we got our first taste, a bitter taste, of skating spots in Eugene. It ranged from angry workers screaming at us to leave their parking lot, to security guards, to psychotic racist tweakers foaming at the mouth. We were really in the shit scoping this over the rail thing and the air was tense, tweakers were closing in from all directions and Karim was weaving through it all, fighting through the insanity. We ended the day with great successes all around and eventually made it out of Eugene the next morning headed for Portland.

Portland for a few days was sweet. We checked a lot of shit, and shit was going down a lot. We were staying at the hotel and that shit felt really baller. Whole squad up in a hotel. The coffee was so bad in the lobby I don’t think I’ve ever had worse coffee and I had it every morning. I was craving a top shelf bean experience but somehow we would stop for coffee at places like Dutch Bros. This was at Nelly’s command, after all we were living in Nelly’s world at the time. She was J-boy’s right hand person as the co-pilot and she held a high rank in the coffee decision making. The entire time eating seeds. One night I set an alarm in the middle of the night so I could wake up and switch my camera batteries on the charger. Hugo told me the next morning that he thought I set an alarm to wake up and go smoke weed outside. This was not true but made me wonder if Nelly was setting an alarm in the middle of the night to wake up and have a couple mouth fulls of seeds, to keep the bender going. Anyways. We had a great time in Portland, peeps were copping clips all around, we ate healthy once or twice and never had a single good coffee. We now had Nolan in the squad which was undeniable.

We made it to Seattle after that. At one point we ate burritos for days, sometimes multiple times a day. That was something. At this point we stayed in an Air bnb which was cool. We kicked it outfront at night, chilling, drinking coors light, and smoking seemingly endless weed. We had our first days that we could wear hoodies during the daytime, which was nice. By the end of the trip I felt like I could go on forever, which is usually how I feel at the end of any type of trip. Coming back home was hard I still feel like I’m left flailing from that trip trying to figure out what to do with my time.

So, I’m sitting here now in my studio being swallowed up by paintings that I’m running out of space for while still working on more paintings, and I’m typing this story so that I can share these photos with people, and that feels like I’m on the right track. I don’t know what to do next but I just got off the phone with Andrew and its about to rain. We’re going to surf in the morning for sure

I was filming on the trip but I shot a lot of photos in my down time. I feel like the photos can tell the stories better than me anyways so here are my favorites




3 Weeks in the West